fredag den 18. december 2015

Art Commission sale!

So I've decided that I'd try my luck and post this here as well, I hope you guys don't mind! But I love drawing, and I thought maybe others would like to see their dolls or OC's drawn as well :)

For more information you can comment here or send me a mail at <3

Happy holidays!


torsdag den 10. december 2015

Progress of 2015 BJD plans and general updates

Hi everyone, long time no see!
I'm really backlogged as I've been tagged in some memes, but school has been a killer. xD; I decided however that I would want to do the 2015 doll plan progresses/balance as I saw Musume has done, and encouraged people to do, so let's go for it! Goals will be in bold, how they went will be in italics xD

søndag den 16. august 2015

torsdag den 18. juni 2015

Not a Model or Anything ... [Withdoll Aiden]

So two months or so ago, Lise and Maria visited and we went to take some pictures of ..well dolls in the area around where I live :) Made me fall slightly in love with the Moe-line body from fairyland, so cute and petite, wow <3
Pictures under the cut!

torsdag den 11. juni 2015

Painted and Broken II

Yes, so I returned to the place with Lise, Maria and Maria a while back and took pictures there again :)
This time I brought Ènnan (Whom I sadly didn't get any non-blurry pictures off orz), Nox and Iseul (again XD; )
So here are a couple of the pictures from that time around :D

mandag den 18. maj 2015

Luck, kind artists and the powers of layaway!

Hi everyone, so, long time no see!
It's been precisely a month now since I updated this blog and I'm sorry about that, school has been a killer, and I've gotten into so many fights with my MSC that faceups haven't been something calling for my attention recently.
I went to take some pictures with Maria and Lise a few weeks ago though - but these haven't been uploaded anywhere yet, so that's for another post.

As the title suggests though, I DO have something to talk about.

lørdag den 18. april 2015

Long time no see!

Hi guys!
Sorry for having been so inactive with this blog, I promise, I'll try to work on it XD;
I'll be making a new post soonish with what has happened in my doll family since .. well the last post :D because some things have happened and if everything goes well, I'll be able to share some pictures!
School has been kicking my but though, so we're plenty busy orz
How have you all been doing? :D

tirsdag den 10. marts 2015


Sorry for the silence, currently drowning in schoolwork and portfolio work but I got tagged by the lovely Lise to do an interview! So here goes!

torsdag den 29. januar 2015

Snow pictures!!

So a couple of days  ago I grabbed my chance to go take some snow pictures of Nox :) Sadly, since it was melting, camera was running low on battery and what not, I only really got a couple that I liked.
A couple of days later, there was more snow though! This time I took out Iseul for a stroll with her new dress/outfit that I sewed for her :D
She has since then gotten a new wig too, but more on that later :)
Decided to clump them together, since, it's kind of the same theme XD and then I won't be spamming too much :B

Pictures under the cut ~~

torsdag den 22. januar 2015

Painted and Broken

So a couple of weeks ago, I went out to take some pictures together with Lise and Maria, at this broken down place, in the city where I live. :D I'm so glad that they asked me to tag along, and I brought three of my YO's with me. :)
I'll just post a couple of them here, and the rest can be found on my Flickr if you're curious :D
They be under the cut!  - and apologies, I have no idea of to do the html stuff on this properly @w@

søndag den 4. januar 2015

2014 progress, 2015 plans!

So I thought I might as well add my plans for what I'm going to do this year, and what happened last year. :)

Let's start with 2014.

I started out having the following dolls at home:
Dollzone BB Ani
Littlefee Shiwoo
Soom Hati
Soom Taco
Soom Minette

During this year I decided that I would sell Ani, which is still a work in progress since with all my moving around she got lost and I just refound her a couple of weeks ago.

2015 however turned out to be the year where I've invested the most money and time into this hobby. In the start of the year I finally painted my Minette, after moving I made a pretty big order from Taobao with clothes to all of the dolls, I bought a Tiny Delf Peter Centaur on layaway secondhand, making it my first tan doll, and grail doll to have obtained and bought a Soom Alk from a friend leaving the hobby. I also tried getting more active by going to doll meets, and started talking more with the dears that are Lise and Maria and was inspired by them, and other great bloggers to start my own blog, just recently.

Alk and Peter were however not the only dolls I bought, in October I purchased a Luts Kid Delf Kelp - Poseidon Limited Fantasy version, who's currently stuck in customs and will hopefully arrive during the coming week, and a few days before Christmas (!!) I ordered a WithDoll Aiden head with a Girl body in their brown tan during the Christmas event. It will probably be a while before I see her though!

So I exited 2014 with the following doll collection:
Littlefee Shiwoo
Soom Hati
Soom Taco
Soom Minette
Soom Alk
Tiny Delf Peter Centaur

And Ordered in 2014 but will arrive in 2015:
Luts Kid Delf Kelp - Poseidon Limited Fantasy Version
WithDoll Aiden Girl

That brings us to the next step of the way, the 2015 plans!

- This years most important goal is to purchase the Iplehouse K.I.D. Joy. I've been wanting to buy him as the reshelling of my character Yoshi/Joshua, for years now!
- After he's bought, there are the maybes of Minifee Karsh and Mio. And a pukifee. I would really like a second friend to my Tiny Delf.
- New eyes and wigs
- Learn to make wigs myself
- Buy some more clothes and shoes
- Practice sewing!
- Actually take more pictures!

So yes, those are the current plans and I really hope I can stick with them haha.
And speaking of pictures! I was out taking some yesterday with Lise and Maria, so there will be something more visual on this blog!

Anyway, apologies for the rant!

Great day to you all~