I was tagged by the dear Lise in this answer questions thingamajig :D
1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?Oh, I collect a lot of stuff, Pokémon cards and merchandise, manga and anime, and I'm an exceptional paper and art supplies hoarder, since drawing is probably my biggest hobby besides the doll hobby. :)
2. Why did you start a doll blog?I had been stalking Lise and Marias blogs for a while, and thought it'd be pretty cool to join in, although I suck at this updating thing. XD;
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
Uh, not really, it changes a lot, but I can't think of a favorite right now, although Alieen, my WithDoll Aiden is the one I've been playing the most with recently. :)
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
My dolls don't really have accessories per se, to be honest, but I did buy a .. . one of those covers/blankets that horses uses, for my TinyDelf Centaur, and he looks adorable in it <3
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course :-) )?
Yep! I have 10.5 at home (0.5 is a floatie sleepy face for one of the others), one full doll on the way and gonna order another head :D
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
I wish XD but nope!
7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been?Oh god, that's a hard one, but my entire trip in Japan was amazing. Hakkodate and Hachinohe were specially fun, and of course Akita where I was at the university :)
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
Eh. I dunno. XD;
9. Favourite book or movie?Don't make me chooose ; A ;
Uhm, some of my favorite movies are definitely Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, Pacific Rim and all that jazz.
I really like the Sabriel trilogy by Garth Nix, Skammerens Datter, and so much others wow.
I'm a sucker for movies, and books, so xD
10. If you could design your own doll, how would it look like?
Aww man, that's a hard one to be honest with you. Uhm. Probably a MSD sized articulated horse? Or Dogs? Probably something doglike if I know myself well ahaha;;
Thanks for tagging me, in thiis. um.
I tag whoeer wants to do this!
And here are the questions for you :)
1. Do you collect anything other than dolls?
2. Why did you start a doll blog?
3. Do you have one particular doll that is the favourite in your collection?
4. Your favourite doll accessory?
5. Do you know exactly how many dolls you have in your collection (you don't have to tell the number of course :-) )?
6. Do you play any instruments and if so, what?
7. Where is your most favourite place you've ever been?
8. What is your most favourite thing about yourself?
9. Favourite book or movie?
10. If you could design your own doll, how would it look like?
Aileen <3 (is it obvious who is my favorite of yours?)
SvarSletYay, Pacific Rim :D
How about these BJD dogs? http://pets.evethecat.com/dogs/ There come in several sizes.
Aileeen hihi <3 XD (just a bit :P)
SletPacific Rim hit me right in the heart man, my mecha-dreams came true that time :D
Ooh yeah, I've been looking (and waiting for their Fennec to be released >w>) I'm just .. a .. BIGGER dog person XD so they're super cute, but a little too small for me I think. .. But maybe I could look into it anyway because damn they're adorable >w>
Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.
SvarSletØh...har du været i Akita? :O
SvarSletJeg gik i gymnasie der i et år. Wow small world XD
Ej hvor fedt altså!
I have yeah :D Var på Akita International University i forbindelse med mit studie ^___^
SletEj hvor fedt!! :D
Hvor sejt! Jeg var forbi universitetet en gang mens jeg var der, da jeg lærte nogle af eleverne at kende. Hvor cool er det lige? XD' Det er bare slet ikke et sted folk der tager til Japan normalt kommer. Hihi
SletHvor længe var du der? :3
Det er mega cool XD Nej det er rigtigt, og synes det er en skam for det er så fint et område ; w ;
SletJeg var der i fem måneder, og vil så gerne af sted igen, iih >w<