I hope everyone came safely into 2016, and that you've enjoyed the Holday Season in general :D
So I already did an overview of how it went with the 2015 doll plans, but I haven't mentioned 2016's plans yet. They are going to be kinda humble, as I feel I wanna focus on the dolls I have home/on the way, and with a potential Japan trip incoming ... Yeah, money's needed to be saved up. I'll also speak a bit about non-doll related but more art related plans, and I hope that's okay. Let's go!
This year has beeon one hell of a rumble with dolls arriving and school trying to kill me and entering a draw-a-drawing a day challenge that has been ongoing since Inktober in October! So I've been pretty darn busy. xD
Anyway, I started out 2015 with the current doll collection:
Littlefee Shiwoo
Soom Hati
Soom Taco
Soom Minette
Soom Alk
Tiny Delf Peter Centaur
(And DollZone BB Ani)
The first couple of weeks of 2015 were hell, as they had have my Kid Delf Kelp, Nereus, held back in customs since around the 20th december 2014!! But He arrived, and arrived well. <3 A month or so later, I recieved my Withdoll Aiden, Aileen, and actually managed to paint both of them! I fell over some small artists, like Heartstrung and Apodoll, and as you know, I ended up being able to put both their dolls (Heartstrung Ruse and Apodoll Melia) on layaaway, even after the preorder ended! After this I really really tried to play nice, but then MerryDollRound had their limited doll release, and I ended up getting a Caramel Fang (Ameko) who arrived on the 21st of December! I accidentally entered the ImplDoll giveaway, since I hadn't understood the rules properly, so suddenly I also had an SD head on the way! Wow XD And last but not least, just before Christmas, a DOA user posted two tinytaurs on DOA. I've been almost crying about missing out on the pretty blue and pink babies, and I was so lucky that they agreed on giving me a 5 month layaway. <3
I also finally got my Dollzone BB Ani sold, and bought some clothes, specially for Aileen! (She also got a wig and proper eyes!)
So with this I ended 2015 with the following collection (In order of Arrival):
Littlefee Shiwoo
Soom Hati
Soom Taco
Soom Minette
Soom Alk
Tiny Delf Peter Centaur
Luts Kid Delf Kelp Poseidon - Fantasy version
Withdoll Aiden
Heartstrung Ruse
Apodoll Melia
MerryDollRound Fang
And I'm waiting for: (In order of 'ordering')
ImplDoll Deborah Head
Tiny Delf Centaur Mytyl
Tiny Delf Centaur Gerda
I'd like to swap Gerda ud with some other Tiny Delf but We'll see what happens, considering they will not come with human legs :D
My plans for this year will, as I said be pretty humble. I have a pretty set idea of which dolls are on my wishlist (although more tinytaurs could easily sneak in!). The current wishlist looks as following:
Twigling Oryx, preferably in a tan skin
Cerisedolls Dreaming Ninon
Cerisedolls Dreaming Millie Choupie
I will not deny the possibility of jumping the gun if more dolls show up that I feel I need but with my possibly incoming Japan trip, and paying off the two tinytaurs I'm hoping I won't feel the need to buy more dolls at the moment.
The plans themselves will pretty much be:
- Paint Ameko (MDR Fang), Pearl (Apodoll Melia), Mali (Soom Hati) and Jun (Littlefee Shiwoo) (Done, during the summer break)
- Repair Pearl's finger (I managed to break it ; w ;) (Nope)
- More clothes for everyone
- A set of shoes for Ameko and Pearl as they are currently missing (Done!)
- Get some fibers to make wigs for specially Ameko and Pearl
- Eventually make wigs for everyone in natural fiber as it just looks more natural
- Practice sewing
- Try making at least one set of eyes.
- Continue practicing with pictures.
Last but not least I also got some art-related goals for myself, and I hope you do not mind me sharing them here as well!
Art goals of 2016:
- Continue and finish the A Drawing A Day challenge! Either I'll finish it on the 31st of December or the 1st of October when I started Inktober in 2015, what do you guys think? (Finished in June)
- Get a total of 20 admirers on my Etsy shop.
- Get one sale on my Etsy shop (done!)
- Upload stock once a week, after I get my new Printer and Scanner (Nope)
- Get 2 commissions outside of conventions (Done!)
- Rebranding of what I want to sell
- Get artbooks printed
- Order Merchandise in General for Cons and Etsy
- Get 100 followers on Facebook and Instagram (Done!)
If you guys reached all the way here, then thanks for reading, and once again, all the best wishes for 2016!!
- Anori
fredag den 1. januar 2016
Happy New Years! 2016 Doll Plans and General Talk Here We Go!
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What awesome arrivals and plans ~ A Japan trip is very exciting ~ you will need lots of shopping money (and travel money for the train!)
SvarSlet~ Hope your art goals will be completed sooner rather than later ~
Thank you! I really hope I get to go, I'm currently hoping I can go to a university in Kobe :D And yeah, lots of shopping money! >w<
SletAgain thank you <3 I really hope too, it could be nice!
Happy New Year dear!
SvarSletYour goals seem doable :D I hope you'll get to go to Japan!
And still managed to do a bit of the other stuff you'd like to do :)
Happy New Year to you too!
SletThank you very much :D <3
So cool that you received so many special BJDs last year :D
SvarSletI hope you had a Happy New Year.
Your wishlist has some really cool sculpts on it, hope to see some or all make their way home to you :D
I'm so envious you plan on going to Japan again :) I hope I get to go in 2017 though. Hope you'll share some nice pics from your trip ^^
Jeg tillod mig forresten at tagge dig til denne her Liebster award: http://atinyjurney.blogspot.dk/2016/01/liebster-award.html
SletThank you! :D I hope you had a happy new Year too, and I answered the tag, muahaha!
SletFingers crossed that you'll get to go too >w<
You got so many awesome new dollies last year! I'm so excited to see Ameko soon!! :D
SvarSletGood luck with your new plans and I hope you get to go to Japan! ^^
Thank you! :D And thanks for lending me clothes and wig for Ameko, we gotta find a time to meet up again ^^